Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Three Little Fish and the Big Mean Shark.

Alex: Mommy?  How do you spell, "I'm sorry, Claire, that I yelled at you"?

(Claire tells Daddy about a book from school.)
Claire: The mommy was there and the baby was there and, um, the big shark came to the, first, um, fish house… and then… I went huff, I went huff and puff and crash your house down.  And then, um -- and then, with the, um, second fish, made a, uh, house, and… and then, uh… and then, and then he, second fish made his house, THEN, um, shark came and blew huffed and puffed and crashed his house down, and then the third little fish built his house it was a boat house, and then, the other ones was going to her house, but then, the big shark, the big mean shark, went, to the third fish's house, and crashed his house down too but he couldn't do it.  And then, he, went, he didn't have any teeth they all fell out, he couldn't… um… he couldn't, he couldn't… um… um he couldn't, get uhhh crash the house down, then he went and they all, the things, aaaand then he would get all the persons they went back to their house.  With the mama fish.
Daddy: What was the name of that story, Claire?
Claire: The Big Little Fish and the Big Mean Shark.  The Three Little Fish and the Big Mean Shark.

(Claire has rolled her pants up to her knees.)
Claire (grinning): I have short pants.

Claire: Daddy!  Daddy!  Something really bad happened!  Alex went potty, then he wiped his bottom with toilet paper, then he flushed it, and the toilet paper is stuck in the drain!

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