Thursday, July 23, 2009

This is me. This is Alex.

Alex: Can you turn off the TV, Daddy? The TV’s on, can you turn it off?
Daddy: Yeah.
(Daddy turns off the TV.)
Alex: Thank you.

(playing trains)

Alex: We have to go back to the store and get some more food. And we're aaaall out of food.

Alex: I think it's… I think it's... I don't know where it's. I think it's on Thomas.

Alex: He gonna find his house... and she gonna find her house… and they gonna be in their houses.

Alex: Mommy has to stay at my house, ‘cause she has to go b'work for a minute.

(lunch time)

Alex: I will eat that pizza ‘cause I will get all messy with pizza when I eat it and you will wipe me off, okay?

Daddy: You want another chip, Claire?
Alex: I like chips. They make me hurt. They make my mouth hurt. ‘Cause I don't like chips.

Alex: Yeah, the tree was falling on the tiger. It didn’t make a sound, Daddy.

Alex: There’s a fly in here, Daddy.
Daddy: Oh no, do you see it?
Alex: Yeah, it's on the window.
Daddy: What should we do about it?
Alex: You have to get the blue toy and get it off… the window.

Alex: ‘Cause I can play with – Claire can play with… Claire can play with… mmmmmm… the tiger. Claire can play with the tiger.

(playing with toys)

Man: Do you wanna ride in my car?
Flamingo: Yeah.
Man or Flamingo: NO it your turn.
Man: I gonna go to the store and get some more bananas.

Man: And we're out of food ‘cause food -- and -- I have to go get some more food.
Flamingo: Can I come?
Man: You can’t.

Alex: A tree’s gonna fall in the forest. A tree’s gonna fall in the forest. A tree’s gonna -- ah! It fell. A tree fell in the forest.

Alex: I - I don't wanna take a nap.

(waking up Claire)
Alex: Wake up, Claire. Wake up, Claire. Wake up, Claire. Wake up, Claire.

Daddy: Who wants snack?
Alex: I do! Claire doesn't want snack. She has to play with Daddy on the floor.
Daddy: Okay, well I'll get her a snack.
Alex: She doesn't want snack. She has to play on the floor with you.

Daddy: Alex, what do you want for snack?
Alex: I want cheese, cookies… Graham Bunnies, and goldfish.

(snack time)

Alex: I want some milk.
Daddy: You want milk?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: Okay. I'd be happy to get you some milk.
Alex: Milk is gonna get in my nose.
Daddy: No it won't.

Alex: I want some more snack.
Daddy: I can get you some more Goldfish.
Alex: And more cheese.
Daddy: I can get you a little Goldfish and a little cheese.
Alex: It's too heavy.

Alex: Daddy, the milk is not all -- the milk is not getting in my nose!
Daddy: Good!

Alex: I will go to Grandma and Grandpa's house, later, okay?
Daddy: Where will you go?
Alex: I will go to… Grandma… and Grandpa's house for… um… um… um… um… um… um… um… on Friday, okay? And I will go on the playground and go down the slide!

Alex: If a tree fell in the forest, there's no one here, does it make a sound?
Alex: Does it make a SOUND, DADDY?!

Alex: What happened to the sun?
Daddy: What happened to it?
Alex: What happened to it? I think it's behind a cloud. It's behind a cloud. It's behind a cloud, Daddy.
Daddy: I think you're right.

(Alex and Daddy are watching a very old Sesame Street on YouTube, and the characters look a little different.)
Alex: What happened to Bert’s hair?
Daddy: I don’t know.
Alex: What -- what happened to Bert’s hair? What happened to it? What happened to Bert’s hair? What happened to Bert’s hair?

Alex: I put my lettuce on the table, Daddy. ‘Cause I don't wanna eat it.

Alex: You sing Lullaby?
Alex: Sing it to me and not to Claire.
Daddy (singing while facing Claire): Lullaby, and good night, go to sleep little Alex
Alex: That's not Alex, that's Claire.
Alex (pointing to himself): This is me. This is Alex.

Alex: You make a funny face. You make a funny face. Make a funny face!

Alex: No banging, Claire. Look at the table, Claire. You banged on it. Look at the table, Claire. Look at the table.

Alex: I wanna do BED!
Mommy: You wanna do bed?
Alex: No (gibberish followed by uncontrolled laughter and flopping on floor).
(Repeat several times.)

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