Thursday, July 9, 2009

Nothing doesn't hurt, Daddy.

Alex: We don't watch Noddy after dinner. We watch Noddy after breakfast.

Alex: I wanna watch George for breakfast.

(dinner time)
Alex: I want some more pasta.
Mommy: Is that how you ask nicely?
Alex: Yeah.
Mommy: Oh. I don't think you’re gonna get it.
Alex: May I have some more pasta please?

Alex: Crawl with me, Claire?

(Alex falls.)
Daddy: Are you okay?
Alex: Every… thing feels better.
Daddy: Everything feels better?
Alex: Yeah. Nothing doesn't hurt, Daddy.

(song time)

Alex: I wanna sing chair song and it went to go get dirty.

Alex: And the house went under his Daddy.

Alex: It went under the basket and Mommy went to find him and Daddy and Alex and Claire. And Grommie.

Alex: He was not gonna find them too.

Alex: Grommie was in the big house.

Alex: And sang songs, and went to bed and get kisses.

(in bed)

Alex: And I will be silly and I will say “roar” to my friends.

Alex: I gonna be a dinosaur.

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