Sunday, December 6, 2009

The poor little tree. I guess there's no Christmas.

Alex: I wanna play trains today.

Alex: Daddy, will you play with me over here?

Alex: Who gave me my dinosaurs?
Mommy: Mommy and Daddy did.
Alex: Where did they come from?
Mommy: From Wal-Mart.
Alex: Wal-Mart! Thank you, Mommy.

Alex: I want someone to play with me.

Sir Topham Hatt: Ernie and Bert, you are really useful engines.
Ernie: We’re not engines!

Ernie: We don't have funnels.

Sir Topham Hatt: Alex, you are a really useful boy.
Alex: No. I don't have a funnel either!

Alex: Roar!
Daddy: What's doing all this roaring? Are you a lion?
Daddy: Are you a parrot?
Alex: No I'm a lion.
Daddy: Oh, you’re a monkey.
Alex: No I'm a lion.
Daddy: Oh, you’re a owl.
Alex: No I'm a lion.
Daddy: Are you a hippo?
Alex: No I'm a lion.
Daddy: Are you a chimpanzee?
Alex: No I'm a lion.
Daddy: Oh, you’re a rabbit.
Alex: No I'm a lion.
Daddy: Are you a guinea pig?
Alex: No I'm a lion.
Daddy: Are you a alligator?
Alex: Yes.
(Daddy laughs.)

Mommy: Are you wearing underwear, Alex? You’re such a big boy!
Alex (proudly): I'm keepin’ them dry.

Alex: Daddy, may you play with me now?
Daddy: Yeah. What do you wanna play?
Alex: Trains.
Daddy: Okay.

Alex: I want Sir Topham Hatt’s car.
Daddy: I think it’s in the basket.
(Claire goes and gets it, and gives it to Alex.)

Alex (playing with toy food): I'm gonna hide and eat food.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: So everyone can't find me.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: On this side. Where I can sit.

Alex: I pulled my pants down before the potty, den, after I got off the potty I pulled my underwear up.

(playing with trains)

Alex: Then there was trouble. On the Island of Sodor there was Flying Scotsman puffing down the hill with too many trains.

Alex: Topham Hatt was cross.

Alex: ...And the ice cream flew right in the air and landed all over Toby.

Alex: Oh. Thank you, Kevin.

Alex: Now, Toby raced away. Toby raced down that track. Now, he raced down one more hill. Rrrrmmm. There was one more truck, he was scared. He told him to go away.
Alex: Thank you Kevin. Thank you Kevin.

Mommy: Alex, your lunch is ready!
Alex (to Daddy): My lunch is ready.
(Alex walks a few steps toward the kitchen, then turns back to Daddy.)
Alex: I'm gonna play trains after dinner, okay?
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: And then can I go upstairs for nap?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: And get ready for nap.

(lunch time)

Alex: I was looking for you, Daddy.
Daddy: Well here I am, buddy!
Alex: “Well here I am, buddy”?

Alex (whiny): I wanna run around. I wanna say “Mama, Mama, Mama” and then I wanna run around downstairs.

Alex: Tasha took my food again!
Daddy (sounding grouchy, as he is tiring of this game): Okay.
Alex: You be happy.

Alex: I dropped my napkin down there! May you get it, please?

Alex (looking out the back door, where the frost has melted): Oh is the grass green?
Daddy: What?
Alex: Oh is the grass green, and – and – and is there not ice in it now?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Why is it? Why is it? Why is it, Daddy? Why is it, Daddy?

Alex (playing with toys by himself during nap): One more minute. As my watch beeps, I’m gonna put it down. Beep beep beep beep.

Alex: I want more cookies.
Daddy: Well, you can have whatever’s in your cup.
Alex: Oh! I have one more cookie.
Daddy: Good. Then you can eat your graham bunnies and Goldfish. I loooove Goldfish.
Alex: I loooove cookies.

Alex: I tried to sit down, and I didn't sit down, and I had my underwear on, and I pee-peed in it, and it was all wet.

(Mommy pulls out the book of ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas.)
Alex: Santa. In the Morning of the Night?

(playing trains)

Alex: The trains, Daddy, are uh having fun today, so they're not crashing today.

Alex: Then there was trouble.

Alex: Will someone play trains with me?

Alex: Daddy, will you come play with me?

Alex (to Daddy): Can you talk about the pig, he was a giant, and there was a monster and he said, “Aaah. That’s scary.” Can you talk about that story?

(Alex and Claire are playing with push toys.)

Alex: Mighty Snacky’s down the road. There’s Mighty Snacky down the road, Claire. That’s Mighty Snacky.

(Alex bumps his car into the table, knocking over the little tree.)
Alex: I was tryin’ to knock down the tree, Daddy. I was sorry.

Daddy (setting the tree back up): This poor little tree.
Alex: The poor little tree. I guess there’s no Christmas.

Alex: Run with me. Please Claire, I like a friend running. Come this way.

(Daddy is reading Green Eggs and Ham.)
Daddy: Say! I like green eggs and ham!
Daddy: I do! I like them, Sam-I-Am!
Daddy: And I would eat them on a boat.
Daddy: And I would eat them with a goat.
Alex: What else is he gonna eat it with?

(bed time)
Daddy: Did you wanna tell me anything?
Alex: I will say them in a minute.
Daddy: Say what?
Alex: The words.
Daddy: Oh.
Alex: I'm still talking.

Alex: Look at me, I’m a triangle. Look at me, I’m a triangle. Now I’m a star.
Alex: Now I’m a triangle.

(Alex is eating applesauce. With each bite, he says one sentence.)
Alex: I’n a dog.
Alex: I’n a elephant.
Alex: I’n a lion.
Alex: I’n a ceiling.
Alex: I’n a house.
Alex: I’n a boy.
Alex: I’n a girl.
Alex: I’n (mumble) spoon.

Alex: It’s a dinosaur, Daddy!
Daddy: Yeah!
Alex: I made a dinosaur outta my toast. Outta my bread.

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