Friday, December 18, 2009

It's gonna snow in a minute, Daddy.

Alex: Oh there was a girl with coh-ry hair too.

Alex: I’m talking to Claire, because I don’t know what she said. I told her that’s not funny.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: She needs to stop saying that.

Alex: If I need some more water I can drink some more water, Daddy.
Daddy: That’s right.
Claire: Uh dri!

(Daddy opens the door to go outside.)
Claire: Cold.
Claire: Ob-doo.
(Claire laughs.)

Alex: We’re gonna go to my school again and eat cookies and sing songs!

(Alex is playing with his cheese at snack time.)
Alex: Thomas is puffing on his track.
Claire: Uh track. Uh track.

Alex: It’s gonna snow in a minute, Daddy.
Daddy: It’s gonna snow? How do you know?
Alex: It’s gonna snow before Santa. It’s gonna snow before Christmas.

Alex: When we get home can you talk about what we’re gonna do before Christmas next time?

Alex: I need the lights on, please.

Claire: Daddy? Daddy!
(Claire hands her baby to Daddy.)
Claire: Ah sit. Ah sit.

Mommy (to Claire): I thought we were gonna make a new track.
Alex (squealing in excitement): A new track!! We’re gonna make a new track, Daddy!!

Alex (looking out the window): There’s snow out here!

Mommy: Is it pretty?
Alex: Yeah! You wanna come see it? Look at all the snow (mumble)! Look at it!
Mommy: Wow! Look at that snow!
Alex: You wanna go outside and see it?

Alex: There’s too much snow, Mama, I can’t even – there’s too much snow.

Alex: Do we slip out there? I – I will slip out there.
Mommy: Slip?
Alex: Yeah, it’s slippery. We need ice skates on.
Alex: Um, we watched, um, Rocket make tracks at school before this nap.
Mommy: You watched TV again today?
Alex: Yeah.
Mommy: My goodness! Do you watch TV every day at school?
Alex: Yes, I do.

Alex: Is the – is the snow stopping yet?
Daddy: No.

(Alex is in time out, and is screaming furiously at the top of his lungs.)
Alex: Pffffffffffffff!
Alex (to himself): I don’t how to say it louder.

Alex (still in timeout): Daddy has a timeout! Claire has a timeout! Grommie has a timeout!

(dinner time)

Claire: Hi.
Mommy: Hi.
Claire: Hi.
Mommy: Hi.
Claire: Hi.
Mommy: Hi.
Claire: Daddy?
Daddy: Hi.
Claire: Hi.

Alex: Dogs don’t fix cookies or milk for Santa.

Alex: I don’t like the Grinch.
Daddy: You don’t like the Grinch?
Alex: Is the Grinch gonna come to my house?
Daddy: No, the Grinch isn’t gonna come to our house. He’s on TV.
Alex: I like the Grinch.

Claire: Daddy… Mama… Ah-wah…
Alex: She’s saying “Daddy, Mama, Ah-wah”. Can you say “Claire”?
Claire: Clah.
Alex: Good job!

Alex: I wanna build a little snowman.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: I wanna bui – I wanna I wanna I wanna – I wanna build a big snowman, then a little snowman.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: And can we make a table outta the snow?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Okay.

Alex: What trains do they –- wha -- what are the trains’ name at the toy store?
Daddy: I don’t know the trains’ names at the toy store. We’ll have to go and find out.

Alex: And we’re gonna feed the reindeers.

Alex: What are we gonna do in Santa’s sleigh?
Daddy: Are we gonna go to Santa’s sleigh?
Alex: Yeah. I doh – Do the reindeers bite us? Do they bite?
Daddy: No, they don’t.
Alex: What do they bite?
Daddy: Um, they bite carrots. They don’t bite people.

Alex: What else are we gonna do before Xmas?

Alex: Is there Spencer and Kevin and Victor at the toy store?
Daddy: What?
Alex: Um can you um – (whispers too quiet to be heard)
Daddy: I didn’t hear you, you were whispering.
Alex: Um is there Hiro and Spencer and Victor and Kevin at the book store? Oh, ah, at the toy store?
Daddy: I don’t know, we’ll have to find out.

Alex: May I have more grapes please?
Daddy: Yes you may, what a nice way to ask!
Alex: They’re over there in the package.

(The news is on.)
Alex: I don’t want to watch the commercial. And the football. I don’t wanna watch those things. Will you turn the TV off, Daddy?
Mommy: I’ll turn the TV off.

Alex: That’s a little grape. A little grape.
Daddy: That’s a little grape.
(Alex eats the grape, and picks up another one.)
Alex: Big one.
Daddy: Yeah.
(Alex eats the grape, and picks up another one.)
Alex: Another big one.
Daddy: That’s right.
(Alex eats the grape, and picks up another one.)
Alex: Big one.

(potty time)
Alex: We'll see if we're outta pee-pee.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: We’re not outta pee-pee. We have more pee-pee.

(bed time)
Daddy: Night night. I love you.
Alex: I love you, Daddy.
Daddy: Thank you, buddy!
Alex: You go to sleep, Daddy.
Daddy: Okay.

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