Tuesday, April 19, 2011

We learned not to touch the prickly ones.

Mommy: Alex had a bad dream.
Claire: What was it?
Alex: I was on the stair, and I was gonna pretend to rawr, and then a picture did it.

(Daddy comes home from work. Alex and Claire are digging in Mommy's garden.)
Alex: Daddy! We're digging holes for our garden!
Claire: Mommy -- Daddy, I'm doing very good, of this hole!
Daddy: Claire, what are you doing?
Claire: I'm doing very good job, of this hole.

Claire: I'm digging very good.

Claire: We learned not to touch the prickly ones.
Claire: We learned a lesson!

Claire: I'm sitting on the mulch. Daddy, I'm sitting on the mulch.

Claire: You're not digging with me!
Daddy: Oh, I'm pulling some weeds in the grass for a minute.
Claire: Okay, after you pull weeds, can you dig with me?
Daddy: Yes.

Claire (to Daddy): You don't have strap shoes, you have tied shoes.
Daddy: That’s right.
Claire (to Daddy): You don't have strap shoes, you have tied shoes.
Daddy: That’s right.
Claire: We don't have tied shoes, we have strap shoes.
Daddy: That’s right.

(Alex, Claire and Daddy come inside from riding Alex's tricycle and Claire's car.)

Claire: Can I ride Alex's bike one day?

Alex: I like the bike bell, because I love to ring it. It's very noisy.

Mommy (to Claire): Did you tell Daddy what happened to you at school today?

Claire: Jahee bumped my tummy on the fence.

Mommy: And Claire said, "No pushing me!"

(Dinner. Daddy is serving up thirds on peaches.)
Alex: Don't give me any more.
Daddy: You don't want any more?
Alex: Because my tummy, said he was hurting, so he said that's enough.

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