Saturday, April 2, 2011

Maybe when I go there won't be bears.

(watching Sesame Street)

Claire (watching Cooking Monster): It's letter W on his cookie!

Alex: You know what starts with W, whale! Water!
Daddy: That's right!
Claire: Dolphin!
Alex: And weird, weird!
Daddy: That's right.
Alex: Walk.
Daddy: Yep.
Alex: Why.
Daddy: Mm-hm.
Claire: Um, dolphin.
Daddy: Dolphins go in the water. But they don't start with W.

Claire: Daddy, can I be in the dark one day?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: You wanna go in the dark? You mean a cave?
Claire: Yeah.
Alex: You can't, there's bears in there.
Claire: Maybe when I go there won't be bears.

Alex: Can we go to a bone museum?

Alex: I'm not a baby, I'm a plant!

(Alex and Claire are drawing pictures.)

Claire: Look, it's you big. Mommy, you wanna see you big?

Alex: Me in my bed with Elly and Bobo, and it's Woody and Alien on my blankets!

Claire: Daddy, when I close the trash can, watch I close it with my head. Watch, Daddy!
(Claire closes the trash can lid with her head.)
Daddy: Oh, that's silly!
(Claire laughs.)

(watching Thomas)

Alex: One day can we go to Sodor?

Alex (sounding worried): My brain's getting more mushy.
Mommy: Is it? You think we should turn it off?
Alex: Maybe just one minute.
Alex: How 'bout two minutes?


(Claire is dribbling mac and cheese into her lap.)
Claire: Can you scoot me up, so, when, mac and cheese can't go in my chair?

(Claire talks to herself during nap.)

Claire: There's cookies in there, there’s chocolate chips, and there’s… cah-coh.

Claire: No… there was gonna be ice cream there, and… chocolate ice cream, and bocko.

Claire: Mommy, why did the duck cross our house?
Mommy: I don't know.
Claire: Because, there was a duck crossing our house!
(Mommy and Claire laugh.)

(Before bed, during a reading of “No, David”, Claire comments on a picture of a meatball.)
Claire: When I had a crusty eye I had to eat a meatball.

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