Saturday, April 9, 2011

I’m gonna be… a soccer player!

(Mommy wakes up.)
Claire: Mommy, we’re having a picnic! There’s no school today!
Mommy: Yeah!
Alex: Aren’t you excited for Meg’s birthday?
Mommy: Yeah!
Alex: We’re having a picnic, and I’m a monster. I’m eating carrots!

Alex: I was looking at a Lego magazine, so I’m going to make one of the things in it! I’m going to make something fun, that I like to play with!

(Daddy is inflating soccer balls.)
Alex: I got a great idea! You don’t know what it is?
Daddy: I don’t know what it is.
Alex: I can take a movie of you pumping up balls!

(Alex is getting dressed for his first “real” soccer practice.)
Alex: I’m gonna be… a soccer player!

(Daddy is driving Alex to his first-ever soccer practice.)

Alex: Let’s go to a train station today. Can you put that on my bucket list?

Alex: We haven’t been to look at things, so now we don’t know when that bridge is built. We have to go look at things.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: We have to go look at things on Sunday.
Daddy: Okay.

Alex: I hope Claire’s takin’ a good nap.

(at soccer practice)
Alex: Meg’s birthday is gonna be more fun.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Than soccer.
Daddy: Yeah.

(getting into the car after soccer practice)
Alex: Mommy’s gonna say, when we get home, “Did you have fun at soccer?”

(Mommy talks to Alex about soccer practice.)
Mommy (to Alex): So why didn’t you like the part with the man?
Alex: I was just scared of the coach.
Mommy: You were scared of him?
Alex: Yeah.
Mommy: Why?
Alex: I just was!
Mommy: Did he do anything scary?
Alex: No.
Mommy: Oh, good!
Alex: But I was just scared. The two other mans I was scared of, but – you know who was the nicest one?
Mommy: Who?
Alex: The woman. I mean the lady.
Mommy: The lady.
Mommy: But now that you know the man doesn’t do anything scary, are you still scared of him?
Alex: Yeah.
Mommy: How come?
Alex: Because I’m just scared!
Mommy: But you don’t know why?
Alex: No.
Mommy: Um… is your coach at school a man?
Alex: Yeah. But he’s nice.

(Daddy is reading Corduroy.)
Claire (interrupting): Can we go to a palace one day?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Daddy’ll put it on your bucket list, Claire.

(getting ready to sing songs at bed time)
Alex (sadly): I want it to be Saturday again. Because I had fun.

(Daddy leaves Alex’s room after tucking him in.)
Alex: I had fun yesterday.
Daddy: What?
Alex: I had fun today.

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