Sunday, July 11, 2010

Tree!! Daddy, came up!!

(At around 7 AM, Alex wakes up and starts singing to himself in bed.)

Alex (singing): Old MacDonald had a farm
Alex (singing): EIEIO
Alex (singing): On that farm he had a cow
(Long pause.)
Alex (singing to the tune of EIEIO): Moo moo moo moo moo
Alex (singing): On that farm he had a pig
Alex (singing to the tune of EIEIO): Oink oink oink oink oink
(The song continues.)

Alex (singing): ABCDEFG
Alex (singing): HIJKLMNOP
Alex (singing): QRS… TUV
Alex (singing): W, X, Y and Z
Alex (singing): Now I know my ABC
Alex (singing): Next time won’t you sing with me

(Alex sings the alphabet song two more times.)

Alex (singing): One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, eleventeen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty!

(Alex continues to sing more numbers.)

(Daddy wakes up Claire.)
Daddy: Did you hear Alex singing?
Claire: Yeah.
Daddy: Did you like it?
Claire: Yeah.
Daddy: What did he sing?
Claire: Letters.

Claire (pointing at a picture of a camel): Camel.
Claire (pointing at each of its legs): Have leg. ‘Nother leg, ‘nother leg, ‘nother leg, ‘nother leg.

Claire (dropping a toy tomato): Uh dropping ‘mato.

(Claire reads The Carrot Seed to herself.)
Claire: Nothing come up.
Claire: Nothing come – come up.
Claire: Nothing come up.
Claire: Nothing come up.
Claire: Nothing come up.
Claire: Nothing come up.
Claire: Nothing come up.
Claire: Nothing come up.
Claire: Nothing come up.
Claire: Nothing come up.
Claire (very excitedly): Tree!!
Claire (to Daddy): Tree.
Daddy: Yeah?
Claire: Yeah.
Daddy: What now?
(Claire does not respond.)
Daddy: What did the little boy say?
Claire: Oh.
Daddy: “Just as the little boy…”
Claire: Just as the little boy…
Daddy: “…had known it would.”
Claire: …know it would.

(Claire reads The Carrot Seed to herself, again.)
Claire: Wuh uh seed. Wuh uh seed.
Claire: Wuh whoa the seed.
Claire: Nothing came up.
Claire: Nothing came up.
Claire: Nothing came up.
Claire: Nothing came up.
Claire: Nothing came – came up.
Claire: Nothing came up, nothing came up.
Claire: Nothing. Came. Up.
Claire: Nothing came up.
Claire: Nothing came up.
Claire: Nothing came up. Uh tree?
Claire: Nothing came up.
Claire: Nothing came up.
Claire: Nothing came up.
Claire: Nothing came up.
Claire: Nothing came up.
Claire: Nothing came up.
Claire (very excitedly): Nothing came up! Tree!! Daddy, came up!!
Daddy: Yeah!
Claire: Nothing came up.
Claire: Nothing came up.
Claire: Nothing came up.
Claire: Nuh – nothing came up.
Claire: The end.
Claire: Little – little boy with seed. (Mumble) water. Yay!
Claire (handing the book to Daddy): Daddy’s turn!

(Daddy tries to read The Carrot Seed to Claire, but she keeps interrupting.)
Claire: Uh see tree, Daddy. Uh see tree.

Claire: Daddy have booboo.

Claire: Daddy. Uh have finger. Uh have finger, uh broke.
Daddy: My finger broke?
Claire: Yeah.

(Claire reads The Carrot Seed to herself.)
Claire: Nuffing came up.
Claire: Nuffing –
(Claire gets distracted for a moment.)
Claire: Nuffing came up.
Claire: Nuffing came up.
Claire: Nuffing came up.
Claire: Nuffing came up.
Claire: Nuffing came up.
Claire: Water the plant.
Claire: Waters the plant.
Claire: Water the plants. Plant.
Claire: Water the plant.
(Claire gets distracted again.)
Claire: (Mumble) water. (Mumble) plant.
Claire: Nothing came up.
Claire: Uh Ah-yah is? Uh Ah-yah. Uh Ah-yah is.
Daddy: Alex went outside.
Claire: Why?
Daddy: He wanted to play outside.
Claire: Why?
Daddy: I don’t know.
Claire: Uh play down. Play down. (Mumble) stairs.
Claire: Daddy have nap. Daddy have nap.
Daddy: Daddy have nap?
Claire: Yeah. Claire. Claire have nap. Claire have snack.
Claire (returning her attention to the book): Water seed.
Claire: Water seed. Water water seed.
Claire: Water seed.
Claire (enthusiastically): Tree!! Came up, Daddy!
Daddy: Yeah!
Claire: Came up!
Daddy: Neat!
Claire: Nothing came up.
Claire: Nothing came up.
Claire: The end.
Claire: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
Claire (noticing Daddy’s band-aid): Uh mines. Uh mines.
Daddy: Well you don't have a booboo.
Claire: Daddy feel better. Daddy feel better, your finger.
Daddy: Okay.
Claire: The end. Daddy’s turn. Daddy read it. Daddy read it. Daddy read it, Daddy. Uh read it.

(During Daddy’s reading of The Carrot Seed, Claire keeps interrupting.)
Claire: Uh see tree. Please?
(When Daddy gets to the page before the carrot comes up, Claire gets a look of excited anticipation. Daddy turns the page.)
Claire (with a big grin): Come up!!

Claire: Daddy go library. Daddy, library closed.
Daddy: Yeah, the library’s closed.
Claire: Daddy, go bookstore. Uh go bookstore.

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