Saturday, July 10, 2010

Doggie in window, woof woof

(Claire is pushing her stroller around and around the kitchen table. Mommy is sitting at the table.)
(Claire stops beside Mommy.)
Claire: Uh stopping, Mommy. Uh stopping.
Mommy: Okay.
(Claire starts going again.)
Claire: Uh going, Mommy!
Claire: Uh going, Mommy!
Claire: Uh going!
(Claire stops beside Mommy.)
Claire: Uh stopping, Mommy.
Mommy: Okay.
(Claire starts going again.)
Claire: Uh going, Mommy!
Claire: Uh going, Mommy!
(This routine is repeated several times.)

(Claire is playing in her crib during nap.)

(Claire pretends to put her baby doll to bed.)
Claire (singing): Lullaby good night
Claire (singing): Juju Mommy Daddy too
Claire (singing): Mommy Daddy too
(Claire sings something unintelligible.)
Claire (singing): Doggie in window, woof woof
Claire: Yay!
Claire: Good night.
(Claire covers her baby doll with a blanket, and pats it on the back.)

Claire (talking to herself): Mommy ‘chool, Daddy Claire, Ah-yah Claire, Claire Claire, Grommie… Grommie at home.

Claire (semi-singing to herself): Mommy stay home. Mommy stay home. Today. Today. Mommy eating. Today. Today. Today.

Alex: One day when I’m a daddy, I can get old and I can't play.

Alex (at dinner): I like squishy things.

(Claire is wearing Mommy’s shoes and pushing her stroller.)
Claire: Uh going to work. Uh see Pop.

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