Wednesday, October 13, 2010

When a big pizza pie hits your head… like a big, pizza pie…

(Daddy comes home from work, and Claire runs to give him a hug, knocking him down in the process.)
Claire (laughing): I knock you down.

(Claire and Alex are playing trains.)

(Grommie is licking Alex's foot.)
Claire: Grommie licking you.
Alex: Silly!
Alex (to Grommie): I love you too.
Alex: I love you too, Grommie!

(Alex’s train is blocking the track, and Claire’s train can’t get by.)
Claire: I wanna go, Alex.
Alex: Wellll… I can't let you go because this part of the track is broken. I'll ask Daddy.
Alex: Daddy, can you fix this track? I didn't mean to break it.
Daddy: Okay. I'll fix it in a minute.
Alex: Daddy, are you writing down something?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Okay, I'm gonna go get some water. Thirsty.

Alex: I went to get some water. I got some fresh water.

Alex: The tow truck's… gonna tow it over here… and here it is.
Alex: If you wanna go to the docks you can. There's lotsa stuff there. There's boxes and everything.
Claire: I wanna go, Alex.
Alex: But. But this train's tryin’ to get up this hill. And the stop sign's… there's a red light still, so… those cars… and trains can't go yet, okay?
Claire: Okay.
Alex: They have a red light. I have something I need. Hm. Hm. I think I need to carry the sign. Digga, digga.
Claire (to Daddy, upset): Want me go, Alex is not going, Alex blocking the track.
Alex: I'm not blocking the track right now, I'm tryin’ to fix stuff.
Claire: Oh.
Alex: I'm trying to fix, Doc, it's not right yet. Okay, I'm not blocking the track.
Claire: Oh.
Alex: I (mumble) the cars up. I think I'm gonna take you tow truck. You have to tow something.

Alex: Wait a minute, tow truck. Um.
Claire: I wanna go.
Alex: There you go. You can go. You -- you can go right now.
(Claire is finally able to move her train, and does so.)
Alex: Now I can go.
Claire: I gonna go the other way. (Mumble.) Up up up up. Where us going? Where we going to?
Alex: We're not going anywahere, we're just drivin’ around. We're going somewhere, but you'll just have to see where we're going.
Alex: Look, more stuff! More stuff. An airplane, a helicopter! Wow…. Lots of stuff we haven't played with.
Alex: This. This. Coach. Car. Wow.


Mommy: Alex, tell Daddy what Claire did today. When you guys were outside on the playground.
Alex: That Callum be rough?
Mommy: Yeah tell him, tell him about Claire.
Alex (to Daddy): Callum was being rough to us! And to Neer and me.
Daddy: Oh, what did he do?
Alex: He was roaring at us, very mean.
Daddy: Rolling at you?
Alex: He was roaring at me really bad. That wasn't nice.

Alex (singing to the tune of That’s Amore): When a big pizza pie hits your head… like a big, pizza pie…
Alex (singing): Moray…
Claire: Sing, Alex.
Alex: I did sing it!
Claire: Oh.
Alex: I only, that's the only part I know.
Claire: Yeah.

Alex (singing): When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie…
Alex (singing): Moray…
Alex (to Claire): Can you sing that?
Claire: No.
Alex: I can sing it.
Claire: Yeah.
Alex: That's the only part but, I can sing some of it.
Alex: Moray, moray, moray! Moray, moray, moray!
(Alex laughs).
Alex: See that?
Claire: Yeah.
Alex: Is that how you sing it, Daddy?
Daddy: That is.
Alex: Moray, ray! Moray, ray! Moray, ray! Moray, ray!
Alex: Is that the end? Is that the end, Daddy? Daddy? Is that the end?
Daddy: Yes it is.

Claire: May I have more bread please, Daddy?
Daddy: Yes you may!

Alex: That one fell out. That one fell out.
Daddy: What?
Alex: It fell out, right?
Daddy: It fell out of what?
Alex: It fell out of the TV.

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