Wednesday, October 20, 2010

It really really soft.

Claire: It’s too rainy, Alex can’t do soccer today.

Alex: Hey Claire? Elly woke up very early, but Bobo woke up a little bit early.
Claire: Yeah. Juju and Mallory woke up very early too.

Alex: Hey Daddy, at school yesterday, Miss Shern said no wiping Alex’s bottom anymore, he wipes his bottom all by himself.
Daddy: Wow!
Alex: He has to, but I don’t want to. I don’t want to, Daddy.
Daddy: Oh, but she’s saying you’re a big boy.

Mommy: Okay, I need to get hugs and kisses ‘cause I’m about to get in the shower.
Claire: You have to wash your hair, Mommy.

Alex: What is it, Mommy?
Mommy: What?
Alex: What do you call it when it's soaking wet?
Mommy: It's pouring.
Alex: It's pouring, yeah.

Claire: I peed on the potty and then me got a sticker.

Alex (singing): It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring
Alex: Do you know that song, Claire?

Alex: It's pouring everywhere.

Claire: We can't go outside when, it's rainy outside.

Alex: Hey Daddy?
Daddy: Yes buddy?
Alex: After school, when it was soaking wet, um, Neer got his umbrella, and put it on top of him, and then, his mommy, and, Mommy – Mommy thought she didn't have one so -- but she did have one! And it was soaking very wet.

Alex: Hey Daddy?
Daddy: Yeah buddy.
Alex (enthusiastically): Um at school we heard about a story who… who a lady ate up some leaves! She ate, she ate up everything!
Daddy: That's silly!
Alex: Yeah. Um, um, I thought, I said, I thought it was a lady who did that every day. I think she did that every day, and, at school and Miss Shern was reading it.

(Tonight’s dinner game is “wishing to the Magic Pumpkin”.)

Mommy: I wish for my family to be happy.

Alex: I wish that Daddy would climb a tree.

Daddy: I wish that I love my job.

Claire: I wish that Daddy be in a tree.

Daddy: Okay, here's a test. Who's our favorite football team?
(Alex raises his hand.)
(Claire raises her hand.)
Daddy: Alex?
Alex: My favorite football game is Everett!
Claire: My favorite football game is Campbell!

Daddy: Who's our favorite basketball team?

Alex: My favorite basketball team is Neer.

Claire: My favorite basketball team is Ca -- … Miss Whitney.

Alex (to Mommy): Who's your tennis ball player? Who's your favorite tennis ball player?
Mommy: Ask Daddy, he has one.
Alex: What's your tennis ball player?
Daddy: Rafael Nadal.
Alex (laughs): That's a silly one!!

(Claire has a new blanket.)

Claire: That my new blanket!
Mommy: Yeah!
Claire: It (mumble) have a cat on it!
Mommy: Yeah!
Claire: I soft it. It soft.

Claire: That my new blanket, Daddy!

(Claire sees her bed made up with her new blanket.)
Claire: I like my new blanket!

(Because she has a blanket now, Claire no longer needs to wear a sleep sack to bed.)
Claire (jumping up and down excitedly): I don't have a sleep sack, Daddy!

Claire (talking to herself in bed, as she strokes her blanket): It really really soft.

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