Friday, October 15, 2010

On the counter.

Alex: Yummy, hot waffle.
Alex: It's burning my fingers but not my mouth.

Claire: Our house is leaking.

Alex: I need to go inside, drink some water, and take a rest.

Alex: I had a busy day.
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: Yeah, I was workin’ hard at school.

Daddy: Why are you taking off your pants and underwear?
Alex: Oh. I didn’t know I was doing that.
Daddy: Don’t take off your pants and underwear.
Alex: I thought I was doing something wrong. Or I was doing something right.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Sorry, Daddy.
Daddy: It’s okay!

(Alex and Claire are playing trains and cars.)
Thomas: Hi, it’s nice to meet you, Sarge.
Sarge: I love you, Thomas.
Thomas: I love you, too.
Alex: And Scruffey was on his way.

Claire: I want my blanket on. I want my blanket on, I go to sleep with Juju.
Daddy: Okay.
(Claire runs off and throws herself onto the floor with Juju, waiting for Daddy to cover her with a blanket.)

Alex: Tree, mud, toolbox! Where do we go first?
Claire: Toolbox!
Alex: Do you see the tree?
Claire: Right there!
Alex (jumping over the “tree”): We jump over the tree, where do we go next? Mud!
Claire: Yeah.
Alex (going through the “mud”): We go through the mud, where do we go next?
Claire: Toolbox!
Alex: Toolbox, yeah!

Claire: Are you coming? Are you coming? Are you coming, Daddy?
Daddy: Coming where?
Claire: Coming to fix my blanket.
Daddy: Yeah.
(Claire again runs off and throws herself onto the floor with Juju, waiting for Daddy to cover her with a blanket.)

Claire: Daddy? I knock over my blanket again. I knock over my blanket. I want you come fix it.
Daddy: Okay.
(Claire runs off again.)

Claire: I all comfy.

Alex: You look like a nest.

(Claire counts some trains. There are four of them.)
Claire: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
Alex: Good counting.
Claire (counting again): One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

Alex: Daddy, can we read books after we play trains? Can we have special time with you?
Daddy: Yeah, you can have special time with me.

Alex: I like reading books and playing trains. It’s my favorite thing. And running is my favorite thing too.

(Alex plays trains.)

Alex: Hey this, Daddy? This is a forest, a dark forest where scary animals live.

Alex: Kevin’s working and digging dirt. He’s tryin’ to do it all the way. Before it gets dark.
Alex: Dig dig, dig dig, dig dig, dig dig, dig dig
Alex: Yay.
Alex: Dig dig, dig dig, dig dig, dig dig

Alex: There might be a bear coming.
Alex: He – I heard it.
Alex: Somebody might be walkin’ from – under the sign.

(Alex picks up the toy phone and starts talking into it.)
Alex: Yeah. That’s funny that you need a truck.
Alex: Well, I can’t bring you a truck today. It’s almost time for my dinner. Sorry.
Alex: I can get you a new tree. Okay. Bye.
(Alex hangs up the phone and walks over to Daddy.)
Alex (to Daddy): I can’t get Pablo a new truck today, because he has his old truck, and I have to get my dinner.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: So… I have to get him a new tree instead.

Claire: There, Daddy.
(Claire gives Daddy a cup from her tea set.)
Claire: That all the water.
Claire (walking off): I’m gonna get some water for me.

(The pizza delivery man comes to the door.)

Claire: Pizza man’s here!!

Claire: I like pizza man!!

Claire (jumping up and down): Pizza, pizza, pizza!!

Claire (jumping up and down): Yummy, yummy, yummy!!

Claire: I like pizza!!

(Alex asks Mommy to buy him a toy he saw in a magazine, and Mommy explains that it costs a lot of money.)
Mommy: How much money do you have?
Alex: I have lots of it.
Mommy: Oh, can I borrow some?
Alex: Yeah.
Mommy: Where is it?
Alex: On the counter.
Mommy: Okay.

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