Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Buzz Lightyear going home to get coffee!

Alex: Why did you have a hard day, Daddy?

Alex: Do you feel like playing a dinner game?

(Daddy looks at Alex's picture that he drew at school.)
Daddy: Oh my goodness!
Alex (pointing alternately at each): Big fireman… little fireman… big fireman… little fireman… big fireman… little fireman… big fireman… little fireman.
Daddy: I like it!

Alex: Daddy? Daddy?
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: Um, Callum had a shopping cart and I had a shopping cart, but Claire had her stroller!
Daddy: Oh.

Alex: We had a fun day!
Alex: Num num num num num num.
Alex: Why didn't you -- have a fun day? Why didn't you?
Daddy: I had a hard day.
Alex: Why? Tell me why.

Claire: Let's play the dinner game.

Alex: Excuse me, Daddy?
Daddy: Yes, Alex?
Alex: May I have more water please?

Daddy: What did you do at school today, Alex?
Alex: I talked to Claire on the playground.

Daddy: What did you do at school today, Claire?
Claire: I played with my teachers, and my (mumble), and my friends, Daddy.
Daddy: Yeah?
Claire: I like my new class.

Daddy: Do you like your new teacher?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: Is she nice?
Alex: Yeah. She doesn't say "No whining"...
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: … "Don't cry"…, and "Don't drink your milk."
Daddy: Oh, good.

(Alex and Claire are wearing their Halloween costumes.)

Alex: Buzz Lightyear hug Abby.

Alex: Buzz Lightyear going to sleep.
Claire: Abby going to sleep .

Alex: Buzz Lightyer wanna drive.

Alex: Buzz Lightyear driving his car.
Claire: Abby driving a stroller.

Alex: I’m gonna be Buzz Lightyear for Halloween!

Alex: Buzz Lightyear going home to get coffee!

Alex: I'm gonna get some coffee.
Claire: Coffee.
Alex: Coffee for dinner.

Alex: Turn me into a pumpkin, Claire.
(Claire waves her magic wand.)
Claire: I turn you into a pumpkin!

Alex: Hey, Claire! Let's sleep beside ourselves.

Alex: Can I turn you into a shirt?
Claire: No!
Alex (starting to wave the magic wand): Turn you --
Claire: AAAAH!! I don't want it!

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