Thursday, September 30, 2010

Why does the chicken use a tiger phone?

Claire: Look, Daddy. I color on the pink paper.
Daddy: Oh, I like it!
Claire: It's a really good road.
Daddy: Yeah, it's a good road!
Claire: It's a tummy, Daddy.
Claire: This is a tummy. Tummy.
Daddy: A tummy?
Claire: Yeah.
Daddy: Oh, I like it.

Claire: I'm gonna draw a hand, Daddy.
Claire: Two hands, Daddy.
Claire: I'm making hands for Daddy.
Claire: Mommy, I'm making hands for Daddy.
Mommy: Neat, Daddy's gonna like it!
Claire: Yeah. I make my hand.
Claire: My other hand.
Claire: And mouth.
Claire: Look. I drawing my mouth. Look, Mommy, I drawing my mouth.
Mommy: Oh yeah!

Claire: Look. I draw my mouth and my hand and my other hand.
Mommy: I like it.

(Mommy is talking to Nana on the phone.)
Claire (to Mommy): What are you talking about?

(Claire is covering her baby with a blanket.)
Claire: Good night!
Claire: I love you!

Mommy: You're a good little mommy.
Claire: I not a little mommy. I'm Claire!

Claire: It's time to wake up.
Daddy: It's time to wake up?
Claire: It's seven. It's seven.
Daddy: It's seven? Time to wake up?
Claire: Yeah, it's seven. It's seven.

(Claire and Mommy are going to the library.)
Claire: Bye, Daddy, I going to the library!

Daddy: Alex, what did one taco shell say to the other taco shell?
Alex: He said: “Why did that tree fall down? I’ll go run through the forest!”

Alex: Mommy? Why did the cup knock down the peaches?
Mommy: Why?
Alex: Because he bumped the soda!

Alex: Daddy? Why does the chicken use a tiger phone?
Daddy: I don’t know.
Alex: Because he wants the elephant forest!

Alex: Daddy, why does hammer say, “Screwdriver, go away, I don't like you!”?
Daddy: I don’t know.
Alex: Because he bumps his head!

Daddy: Why did the hammer get a time out?
Alex: I don’t know.
Daddy: Because he hit the nail on the head!

Alex: Daddy? Why did the knife hit the other computer?
Daddy: I don’t know.
Alex: Because the hammer got a time out!

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