Saturday, December 3, 2011

Which one was Kirk?

Alex: Are dolphin fish?

(Alex and Claire are playing.)

Alex: Claire, do you see that sign? It says: “Little farm, no books allowed.”

Alex (reading the invisible sign carefully): “Little… farm… no books allowed… for animals… to read.”
Claire: I’m gonna get some more animals!
Alex: Well Claire, don’t get sheep, or pigs.

(Alex is watching Peanuts’ “The Mayflower Voyagers”.)
Alex (not joking): Daddy, I saw the pilgrims. Which ones were Kirk? Which one was Kirk?

(Claire is coloring, and having trouble putting the cap back on the marker.)
Claire: Daddy, it has to say click when, the marker. But these won’t say click.

(Claire is coloring a connect-the-dots picture.)
Claire: Eleven is, two ones!
Daddy: That’s right! You’re very smart, Claire!

Alex: Are those construct– [Alex can’t think of the word] um, you use them for building… and it’s sorta like a map.
Daddy: Instructions?
Alex: Yeah, constructions.


Claire: Grommie’s wishing I’ll drop something.

Alex (anticipating his birthday present): If Nana thinks I’ll like it, maybe it’s a dinosaur.

Alex: Is my yogurt all gone?
Daddy: You can probably get one more scoop out.
(Daddy scoops out the last bite of Alex’s yogurt for him.)
Alex: Don’t feed me like a baby, Daddy.
Daddy: Okay. Why not?
Alex: Because… I don’t like being a baby.

Claire (to Alex): You’re just like a grown-up. You’re just like a grown-up.
Claire (to Mommy): Alex is just like a grown-up.

(Claire is talking about the things she will be able to do when she grows up.)
Claire: And put on my shirt.
Daddy: Uh-huh.
Claire: When I’m a grown-up.
Claire: And make things. Like spaghetti, or sun butter and jelly.
Daddy: Yeah. You can already make sun butter and jelly.
Claire: And read the words.
Daddy: Yeah, that’ll be fun.
Claire: In books.
Daddy: Uh-huh.
Claire: And tie shoes.
Claire: And zip up zippers.
Daddy: Yep.
Claire: And put on my jacket.

Claire: And, I can make coffee.
Claire: And, the last thing I can do: go to work!

Alex: My eye hurts.
Daddy: Oh. Well I’ll stop by the store later and get you a new one.
Alex (having heard this joke before): Thanks, Daddy.

(Claire comes home to see that Daddy is watching a football game.)
Claire: A baseball game! A baseball game!

Claire: What number is none balloons?
Daddy: Zero.
Claire: Lots of zeroes?

Claire: Daddy, I have a secret.
(Daddy leans down so Claire can whisper in his ear.)
Claire (whispering): Um, say that, no three people can’t… um, can’t… bump their toes.
Daddy: Okay.
(Claire steps back.)
Daddy: No three people can’t bump their toes.
(Claire giggles.)


Claire: Can I have some more spaghetti, please if you be so kind?

(Daddy gets Claire more spaghetti.)
Claire: Can I have sauce, and cheese on it please if you be so kind?

(bed time)

Claire (to Mommy): Make a lap. That's not a lap.
Claire (demonstrating): You have to do this a lap.

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