Friday, December 2, 2011

Today’s my birthday! I’m five!

Alex: I’m practicing juggling.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: I’m gonna be Daddy. I’m gonna try to be like Daddy.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: And I’m gonna practice juggling every day. So, um – I can be Daddy when I grow up.

Alex: Can you give me another present under a blanket?

Alex: Claire, you can have a turn on my scooter if you want. After I try it out.

Claire: I want a scooter too.

Mommy: Well maybe Santa will bring you one.
Alex: I think he’ll put a blanket on it.

(While playing outside, Alex sees Simon walking home from school.)
Alex (shouting to Simon down the street): Today’s my birthday! I’m five!
Alex (shouting to Simon down the street): I got this scooter! For my birthday!

(As other people pass, Alex announces to each of them:)
Alex: Today’s my birthday!


Alex: Daddy, uh…
Daddy: Yes, Alex?
Alex: One hundred is sorta like ten.
Daddy: Yeah, how’s that?
Alex: Because it has a one and a zero, but, it has two zeros in it.
Daddy: Yeah!

Claire: How do you count to one hundred?
Alex: You go through all the numbers, and then you go twenty, and then --
Claire: Twenty-one!
Alex: No, go through twenty --
Claire: Twenty-one!
Mommy: Let him finish, Claire.
Alex: No, you go through twenty numbers, and then thirty, and then you go through thirty numbers, and then you go forty, and then you go through forty numbers, and then you go fifty, and you go through fifty numbers, and you go through sixty, and then you go through sixty numbers, then you go seventy, then you go through seventy numbers, then you go eighty, then you go through eighty numbers, then you go ninety, then you go through ninety numbers, and then you – and then it’s one hundred!

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