Tuesday, August 23, 2011

We had a good day.

Alex: Why are all the cups red at this house?

(Alex and Claire are playing in the pool.)

Claire: I like jumping to you, Daddy!

Alex (every time Grandpa squirts Daddy with the water gun): Do it again, Grandpa!!

(Claire is enjoying a game where Daddy picks her way up out of the water, and then splashes her back into the water.)

Claire (to Daddy): Let’s do ups-and-downs all the way down there!

Claire: Let’s do ups-and-downs down there!

Claire: Let’s do ups-and-downs again!

Claire: Let’s do the highest ups-and-downs in the world!

Claire: Hey Daddy, after lunch, are we gonna do dinner, and go to bed?
Daddy: Yes.

(Alex and Daddy return to the beach house from an afternoon at the beach.)
Alex: We had a good day.

Alex (grinning and proud): Oh Daddy. I had to pee really bad, so I peed in the sand!

Claire (to Mommy, proudly): I washed my hair in the shower.

Claire (to Mommy, proudly): I washed my hair in the shower.

Claire (to Mommy, proudly): I washed my hair in the shower.

Alex (to Claire): Why do you keep asking “Why, why, why?”

(Alex, Claire, Mommy and Daddy are driving to the store.)

Claire: Daddy, a long time ago, we went to Busch Gardens.

Alex (being silly): Dudley, when are you ever gonna learn how to drive!

(Alex sees the little church.)
Alex: That's where you got married, right?

Alex: I saw a horse. And a red shiny car.
Daddy: Neat.

Alex: When you turned off the car I stopped makin’ music, because I was pretendin’ to be a music player.

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