Friday, August 26, 2011

I like the beach house, I wanna go back.

Claire: Do we go to school at this house?

(Claire wakes up and goes into the living room to see who’s awake. Then she comes back to the bedroom.)
Claire (whispering): Mommy, I went out there.
Mommy: Who’s out there?
Claire: Uncle Kirk.
Mommy: Oh.
Alex: He’s always out there.

(Claire plays in the surf, singing “It’s A Sunny Day.”)

Claire (to Mommy): I like going in the ocean now.

(Daddy tells Alex it’s time to say bye-bye to the ocean, because it’s time to go home.)
Alex: Because I’m bored.
Daddy: You’re bored?
Alex: Of the ocean.

Claire: Why do crabs go back in their holes?

Alex: When we go back to our regular house, we can look at all our shells we found!

(Daddy and Claire leave the beach for the final time, to head home ahead of Hurricane Irene.)
Claire: We need to hurry up, because I think the storm’s coming right now.

Claire (playing in the pool): I can jump in the water by myself!

(Claire is swimming in the pool, and Daddy tries to take her hand.)
Claire: No Daddy, I’m gonna swim somewhere, don’t do anything to me.
(Claire swims all the way to the ladder, climbs out, then walks back around to Daddy.)

(Alex notices that Grandpa’s still down on the beach by himself.)
Daddy: Yeah, he’s having fun.
Alex: He should be helping Grandma pack.

Alex: Grandma! We wanna say bye-bye to you!
Claire: Yes we do!

(driving home from the beach)

Alex: When are we going to the beach house?

Alex: Daddy? When is next summer?

Claire: Play a game, Mommy.
Mommy: You wanna play a game?
Claire: Yes.
Mommy: Play a game in the car?
Claire: Yes. Let's play a game in the car.
Mommy: Okay.
Claire: Let's find a yellow car. There’s a yellow car!

Alex: Daddy?
Daddy: Yes, Alex?
Alex: That big strong wind, that musta been the storm, it was tryin’ to come.

Alex: Maybe it was just bein’, tryin’ to blow harder than that, maybe it was, it musta been farther away, maybe that's why we felt it just a little bit, but now it’s gonna be closer, it’s gonna blow harder.

Claire: Let's find a red truck.

Claire: Hey Mommy?
Mommy: Yeah?
Claire: We found a - let's find a black dog.
Mommy: A black dog?
Claire: Yes.
Claire: But I saw a black dog.
Mommy: You already saw one?
Claire: Yes.

Mommy: Bye bye, beach house.
Claire: Bye bye, beach house.

(Alex is talking about what happens if someone gets struck by lightning.)
Alex: They might have a big hole in their back, or a big hole in their head. If the lightning shocks them. Right, Daddy?
Daddy: I don't think that'll happen.
Alex: Well what if the lightning got them?
Daddy: Then, I guess something like that might happen.
Alex: That's what I was saying about the lightning.

(When stopping for gas, Daddy buys a bag of Cheetos.)
Alex: I've never had one of those tiger things; I've been waiting a long time to eat one.

Alex: I hope our beach house doesn’t get, anything breaks, because we like it, don't we Daddy?
Daddy: That’s right.
Alex: We don't want anything to have holes in it.

(at home)
Claire: Hey Mommy? Why are we coming home – but I don't want to come home, because I like the beach house.

(Claire sees a Capital One Viking commercial.)
Claire: Daddy, the people are funny, those people are funny.
Daddy: Yeah, they’re funny.
Claire: They dressed up like, another person, to sound like another person.

(Alex insists the upstairs carpet is new.)
Alex: This is new, this really feels new!

Claire: I like the beach house, I wanna go back.

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