Thursday, June 30, 2011

I'm gonna tell everyone I'm three!

Claire: I'm gonna tell everyone I'm three!

Claire: I'm not a baby anymore.

Claire: I wanna go downstairs and open my presents!

(Claire opens her birthday presents.)

Claire: Is there more presents?

Claire: I'm gonna play with all of my presents!

Claire: Thank you, Mommy.
Alex: It's not just Mommy! It's Daddy and Alex too.

(Claire chooses to watch Bob the Builder, because it's Alex's favorite show.)
Alex: That's so nice of you on your birthday.

Claire: Thank you, everybody.

Claire: I like my birthday.

(Claire comes home from school.)
Claire: Daddy, I'm three!

Claire: I like my birthday.

(Alex sees Daddy's old cereal bowl.)
Alex: Well, how was your breakfast today?
Daddy: It was very good, thank you!

Mommy (to Alex): Please stop whining.
Alex: Why?
Mommy: Because it's annoying.
Alex: It's not annoying to me.
Mommy: Well it is annoying to me.
Alex: It's not annoying to me.
Alex: It's not annoying to me.
Alex: It's not annoying to me.
Mommy: Okay.
Alex: Your choice. Don’t be annoying, or be annoying and I'll be annoying like you.
Alex: Your choice.
Alex: Your choice.
Alex: Your choice.


Claire: Birthday dinner.
(Mommy nods.)
Claire: I'm three!

Claire: Every day is my birthday.

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