Saturday, July 2, 2011

When we grow up, we'll be big and you'll be old.

Alex: I see our neighbor, Oakley's mommy!
Alex: Daddy, Claire, Mommy, I see our neighbor, Oakley's mommy!
Mommy: Oh yeah? What's she doing?
Alex: Nothing, she's just outside.

(Daddy, Claire, and Alex are driving to the bookstore.)

Claire (to Daddy): Daddy, when I'm a mommy and Alex is a daddy, you'll be little.

Alex (to Daddy): No. When we grow up, we'll be big and you'll be old.

(Alex and Claire are wearing their wristwatches today.)
Alex: Daddy?
Daddy: Yes, Alex?
Alex: When we're at the bookstore, will it be a different kind of time?
Daddy: What do you mean "a different kind of time"?
Alex: On the watch!

(Claire is anticipating her after-dinner cupcake.)
Claire: That's so gonna be yummy.

(dinner time)

Alex: Get a napkin, Claire, you have jelly on your face.
Claire: I'm gonna lick it with my tongue!

Alex (singing slowly): A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I.
Alex (to Claire): You do it with me. Repeat after me.
Alex: J.
Claire: J.
Alex: K.
Claire: K.
Alex: L.
Claire: L.
Alex: M.
Claire: M.
Alex and Claire (together): N. O. P. Q. R. S.
Alex: T.
Claire: Y -- T!
Alex and Claire (together): U. V. Double. U. X. Y. And. Z.
Alex and Claire (together): Now I know my ABCs, next time won't you sing with me.
Alex: See? Why don't you try singing it.
Claire (singing slowly): A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. N. O. P.
Alex: Q.
Claire: Q. R. S.
Alex: T.
Claire: T. U. V.
Alex: No -- no. Not TRS.
Claire: TRS.
Alex: No that's not right.
Claire: W. X. Y and Z.
Alex (to Daddy): She said TRS.
Daddy: No she didn't.
Claire: Next time won't you sing with me.
Claire: Was that right?
Claire: Alex, was that right?
Alex: Well, you did a little bit wrong, you said TX. That wasn't right -- I'll show you later.
Claire: Okay.

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