Monday, May 16, 2011

Bored means you don't have anybody to play with.

Alex (to Claire): Bored means you don't have anybody to play with.

Claire: Alex, I like your pants.
Alex: Thank you. They're nice and green.

Alex: Your bones break if you eat something off the floor, right Daddy?

(Daddy comes home from work, and Alex greets him at the door as follows.)
Alex: Daddy, you should be really nice to me, because I have a lip, and it's hurting still. I bumped it on Claire's bed when we were going down for nap.

Daddy: Alex, if you could only have one hand, and you had to get rid of one, which one would you keep?
Alex: Both of them!
(Daddy laughs.)
Alex: And I would cut Daddy's hand off! And you would have only one hand.
Alex: And you wouldn't be able to climb up a ladder, or anything!

Daddy (singing): It's raining, it's pouring
Alex (singing): A man is in bed snoring
Alex (singing): He bumped his head and went to bed, snoring
(Alex laughs.)
Alex (singing): The old man was boring

Alex: I wanna be an astronaut.

Claire: I wanna be an astronaut too.

Mommy: You have to study lots of math and science and you can be an astronaut.
Alex: What kind of math and science?
Mommy: Um… I guess… physics and algebra and calculus and --
Alex: What are those?
Mommy: Math. And science.
Alex: What are math and science?
Mommy: Science is the study of how things work, and math is how things work too.

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