Thursday, September 29, 2011

This is the day where we didn't eat donuts…

Alex: Can I wake up Claire by myself?

(Alex wakes up Claire by himself, and helps her to get ready.)

Alex: I'm not scared, Claire. You can stay with me. I'm a brave boy.

Alex: I can't talk now. I'm really covered in pee.

Daddy (poking his head into the bathroom): Is everything okay in here?
Alex: I'm just brushing my teeth, I went potty, and... then I got pee all over my hands.

Alex: You're good at this, Claire. I am not that good at all. You're gooder than me!!

Alex: We’re gonna put on our underwear and our pants, then you can practice putting on your shirt, too.

Claire: Yeah but today, when I'm three, I wear a diaper during bedtime, right?
Alex: Yeah.

Alex: When I was a little boy? I wore pull-ups. I wore bigger pull-ups, Clifford pull-ups.

Claire: When I was still a little girl, I used to wear those pink ones.
Alex: But you're still a little girl.

Claire: Now, I need to make sure the tag is in the back of my underwear. But Alex, does my underwear have a tag?

Claire: It’s on the side, can you help me put it in the back?

Alex: But I don't know what to do about it. Sorry.

Claire: You need to put your pants on over your underwear.

Alex: The underwear is so you don't pee into something. I—it’s to make sure your pants... don't get up to your shirt, right?

Alex: Claire, you can't. Do you know how to put on your shirt?
Claire: No.
Alex: Well, it’s a lesson. Lesson is when you try to swim, and lesson is when you try to do something.
Alex: Hurry up and put it on, Claire.

Alex: Daddy?
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: I'm teachin’ Claire a lesson!
Daddy: Good for you!
Alex: For her shirt, ‘cause she doesn’t know how to do it yet.

Claire: It’s because my hair is in the way.
Alex: Sorry, Claire. I can't fix that, then.

Alex: This shirt is not easy.
Claire: I put my arm in!
Alex: Other arm.

(Now Alex puts on his own shirt.)
Alex: I pulled my eye, for real.

Claire: Then pull it down and put your arms in.

(Alex and Claire close the bedroom door, and whisper to each other for about two minutes. Daddy waits in the hall, in case he’s needed.)

Alex: Daddy!
Claire: Daddy!
Daddy: What is it, guys?
Alex (jumping out into the hallway): Surprise!
Claire (jumping out into the hallway): Surprise!

(Alex and Claire are in the bathroom.)
Alex: Toothpaste!
Claire: Toothpaste!
(Daddy puts toothpaste on the kids’ toothbrushes, then goes back into the hall and shuts the door.)
(It’s quiet in bathroom for a long time.)
Daddy: What are you guys doing?
Alex: We’re combing our hair first.

Alex: You know what else we’re doing that's good?
Daddy: What?
Alex: We’re not also complaining for more and more and more toys.

Claire: Um -- Alex teached me how to put on my shirt.
Daddy: Oh!
Alex: The way I do it!
Claire: And then, I put it on by myself.
Daddy: Good girl! You're such a big girl!

Alex (to Mommy): I showed Claire how to put on her shirt. And she did it by herself.

Alex: I laid it out for her and she listened.

Claire: Mommy? See, Alex teached me how to put on my shirt.

(Claire sits down to breakfast.)
Claire: I hope I am gonna eat this yummy waffle!

(A couple of minutes later, Claire has taken a few bites of waffle.)
Claire (getting up in Daddy’s face, grinning): I did tell you, that I wanted to eat this yummy waffle!!

(Alex and Claire watch a long show.)
Alex: That was a long one.
Daddy: Yeah.
Claire: Hey Daddy, why did the people make long shows?
Daddy: That's just how they wanted to tell their story.
Alex: So they could keep watching the same thing every day. Even if they -- if, if they haven't watched it before.

(Claire keeps claiming that we ate donuts yesterday. Alex is trying to explain to her that it was two days ago.)
Alex: We didn't eat donuts yesterday.
Claire: We did!
Alex: Well, after that day. Going backwards.
(Alex holds his hands in front of him.)
Alex: This is the day where we didn't eat donuts…
(Alex moves his hands farther away from him.)
Alex: ... and this is the day where we did eat donuts.

Alex: I'm a big kid now. A really big kid. Because I’m in 4-K. 4-K is for big kids.

Alex: But big and small, Claire, they're not just big and small. There's another one, that looks kinda small, but it's actually… medium.

Alex: When I'm a daddy, will I look like Daddy?

Alex: I want a sandwich with cheese and ketchup in it.

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