Thursday, September 8, 2011

Can we just have, a dog and a cat?

(Alex finds Daddy's baseball cap.)
Alex: Why don't you wear your school hat any more?
Daddy: I don't know, do you want me to wear it?
Alex: Mm-hm. You look cute in it.

(When being dropped off at school, Alex leans in to whisper his drop-off-at-school words to Daddy.)
Alex: Play in the backyard -- no, um --
(Daddy laughs.)
Alex: Don't laugh, okay?
Daddy: Okay.
(Alex says the correct drop-off words.)

(snack time)

Alex: You've got a lot of pudding right there.

Alex (to Daddy, staring into Daddy's eye): One time I was a teeny tiny baby, as small as the black dot in the green.

Daddy: Where's the green?
Alex: The green is in the white, in your eyes!

Daddy: But I have brown eyes.
Alex: Well then your eyes don't look brown, though.

Alex: So, a lot of people are watching TV.
Claire: 'Cause… maybe their brain is gonna get mushy.
Alex: No I -- I'm pretending.
Daddy: What are you talkin' about, Alex?

Claire (to Daddy): I'm gonna be Dora, and you're gonna pretend we have Diego, and… you're gonna be the Grumpy Old Troll!

Claire: Cats can stretch out on things, like cabinets. One day, can we have a cat stay with us, at our house?

Claire: Can we just have, a dog and a cat?
Daddy: Maybe one day.
Claire: Okay.
Claire: But Daddy I like Allegra to play with us in our house for a little while.
Daddy: Yeah. That was fun.

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