Friday, March 4, 2011

One kid, and one daddy.

Alex: Claire, I dreamed, when I was sleeping, I went to my class, and it wasn’t really my class anymore.

Claire: The sun’s up, so we can wake up.

Alex (to Claire): So when the sun was up, I got out of bed, put on my PJs, put my PJs away, and got dressed!
Claire: Oh.
Alex (to Claire): And I put on my shirt, no I put on my underwear first, and then I put on my shirt, and I put on my pants, but I had to do it really fast, because I needed to go potty really bad, so I rushed!, and I went to the potty really fast and I got it, and I was on time!

Claire: Oh, I can sit over here.
(Alex makes some room on the sofa beside him.)
Alex: Here’s some room for you, Claire.
Claire: Oh.
(Claire comes and sits by Alex.)
Claire (to Daddy): Alex made some room for me!
Daddy: Oh, good!
Alex: I’m very nice today.
Claire: Yeah.
Alex: I’m very nice even because my hip hurts!

(Daddy picks up Claire from school. He is driving her home.)
Claire: One kid, and one daddy.
Daddy: What?
Claire: One daddy, and one kid.
Daddy: Yeah.
Claire: One kid and one daddy. And one daddy.

(Daddy and Claire are at home, waiting for Mommy and Alex to come home too.)
Claire: When they come, when I hear the garage door, we need to hide.
Daddy: Okay.

Claire: Can we hide under a blanket when they come?
Daddy: Yes.
Claire: Okay. And they will find us.

Claire (to Daddy): There’s your underwear.
Daddy: Yeah, I have underwear too.
Claire: Yeah and I have underwear.
Daddy: That’s right.
Claire: I’m keeping my underwear dry, and you need to keep your underwear dry.
Daddy: I keep my underwear dry too.
Claire: And I’m gonna keep my underwear dry, too!
Daddy: Yeah, just like a big girl.

(Daddy and Claire play “cupcakes” while they wait for Mommy to bring Alex home from school.)

Claire: I gonna get some cupcakes for you, Daddy.

Claire: I got some – some cupcakes!

Claire: No, no more cupcakes! Okay?

Claire: I’m gonna save one. I’m gonna save one, Daddy.

Claire: There’s another cupcake! Eat that one then I gonna get you another one. And – I’m gonna eat – and – you eat that one first, and then I –
Daddy: What is this, is this a cupcake?
Claire: Yeah, that is a cupcake.
Daddy: Oh, it looks like a train, yummy! It’s a train cupcake!
Claire: Yeah, a train cupcake. It’s chocolate on there.
Daddy: Oh. Mmmm! I like chocolate, it tastes good!
Claire: Yeah.

Claire: Another cupcake!

Claire: I’m gonna go get another one.

Claire: I cupcakes, Daddy no, I got four cupcakes. Lot of cupcakes, eat that one first. Got lot of cupcakes, Daddy, for… you.
Claire: Eat this one first.
Daddy: Oh, thank you.
Claire: I got some more.
Daddy: You brought me lots of cupcakes!
Claire: Yeah, I got four!
Daddy: Is it somebody’s birthday?
Claire: Yeah, it’s your birthday today. [pronounced “too day”]
Daddy: Oh! How old am I?
Claire: You’re four.
Daddy: I’m four?
Claire: Yeah.
Daddy: I’m excited!
Alex (coming in the door): Ha ha haaaa!
Claire: Hi hi hi!

(Alex, Claire, and Daddy play in the backyard.)

Claire: Can we play a game, Daddy? Can we touch the tree and you tell me what we hafta do?

Claire: Look Daddy, there’s a fly. Two flies. Another fly. Is the flies gonna get me?


Mommy: There's spinach on it, and basil.
Claire: I like basil.
Mommy: Me too.
Claire: Me too.

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