Sunday, March 27, 2011

He’s a nice Ernie. Not the Ernie on TV. Your Ernie.

(Claire has goosebumps.)
Claire (to Mommy): Why is my leg prickly?

(Daddy, Alex, and Claire are playing with Calico Critters.)
Daddy: Somebody had to make all these things.
Alex: I guess Ernie really liked them.
Daddy: Yeah. And he really wanted you to have them.
Alex: He’s a nice Ernie. Not the Ernie on TV. Your Ernie.


Alex (to Daddy): What did you do on Friday, at work?

Alex: I like that Grandma and Grandpa, yesterday, took us out for lunch.
Daddy: You liked that?
Alex: Yeah. Can we do it again sometime?
Daddy: Yeah.

Alex: Excuse me, Daddy?
Daddy: Yes, Alex?
Alex: At Grandpa’s house yesterday, I told Grandpa that you had a big window on top, on your car, and we could look out it. And he said “That’s right”, because he knows that, he knows that that window’s up there.
Alex: Grandpa knows a lot of things.

Alex: When people sleep on some, mechanics, um –
Alex: What is it?
Daddy: Hammock.
Alex: Hammock. When some people sleep on a hammock, they have, um – they have blankets on them. Sometimes, they’re attached to blankets. And they pull them up and sleep on them. They rest under them. Or sleep. Like – [Alex glances out the window and sees that the hammock isn’t out there] – why did you take? The? The – what is it? Hammock, down? Why did you take the hammock down?
Daddy: So that it wouldn’t get all wet when it snowed.
Alex: Oh. But it stopped snowing.
Daddy: Yeah and we’ll put it back up when we want to use it.
Alex: How ‘bout after nap. If it stopped snowing.
Daddy: I think it’ll be too cold still. Maybe tomorrow.
Alex: Oh.

Alex (out of the blue): Not without Buzz!
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: Not without Buzz!
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: You are a toy!!
(Alex laughs.)
Daddy: You’re silly.
Alex: I don’t remember – I don’t remember eating that!
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: I don’t wanna use my head!
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: There’s a lot of – there’s a lot of stuff that they say, from Toy Story.
Daddy: There sure is.
Alex: This was no accident.
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: Not without Andy!
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: Buzz. It’s Buzz.
Alex: I couldn’t call him my friend.
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: That’s where I need to go.
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: But the sign says it’s closed! You can’t go there Buzz!
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: I know Andy’s excited about Buzz, but you’re still Andy’s toy.
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: I’m still Andy’s favorite toy.
(Alex laughs.)
Alex (singing): You’ve got a friend in me… You’ve got a friend in me…

(Alex is making up rhymes.)
Alex: How ‘bout furniture, and…. sherniture!

Alex: I’m a he, because I’m a boy. You’re a he, and Mommy’s a her.

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