Monday, February 7, 2011

Watch me talk to my shoes.

(Mommy's clock was fast, but she reset it.)
Alex: If it keeps doing it, we can fix it with our tools.
Claire: I can fix Mommy's clock with the cutter, and the hammer. That be not loud. That be quiet.

(Alex and Claire come home from school.)

Alex: I sat in a different chair today! I sat at the red table!

Claire: I talk to my shoes. Watch me talk to my shoes.
Claire (talking to her shoe): I don't like that!
(Claire laughs.)

Alex: Look at this, Daddy.
(Alex is standing in a slightly crouched position.)
Daddy: What's that?
Alex: This is the chair, how big it was. This is the big chair.

(Claire is in bed during nap, “reading” her digital clock.)
Claire: Eight, forty, L, L. Time, to, go, up, stairs.

(snack time)
Alex: Goldfish gets crumbs on you.

Alex: I'm gonna help Mommy drive.
Daddy: You are? How are you gonna do that?
Alex: I'm gonna tell her what the signs say.
Daddy: Oh, okay.
Alex: She might not know what the sign says.

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