Saturday, February 5, 2011

Baa baa, black sheep

Alex: The applesauce looks like sheep's fur.

(Claire is using the potty first, while Alex waits.)
Alex: Okay, I'll go first tomorrow.
Claire: And I'll go first today. We're taking turns!

(Claire sings to herself in bed during nap.)

Claire (singing): Black sheep, black sheep, have a little lamb
Claire (singing): Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full
Claire (singing): One for the boy, one for the lane
Claire (singing): One for the boy, one for the lane
Claire (singing): One for the little boy who lives down the lane

Claire (singing): Baa baa black sheep, have a little lamb
Claire (singing): Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full
Claire (singing): One for the little boy
Claire (singing): One for a dame
Claire (singing): One for a master
Claire (singing): One for a little boy
Claire (singing): One for the dame
Claire (singing): One for a little boy
Claire (singing): Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full
Claire (singing): One for the dame
Claire (singing): Baa baa black sheep, have a little boy
Claire (singing): Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full
Claire (singing): One for the little boy
Claire (singing): One for the lane
Claire (singing): One for the master
Claire (singing): One for the little boy
Claire (singing): One for the little girl --
Claire (singing): The little boy
Claire (singing): Black sheep, black sheep, have a little --
Claire (singing): Black sheep, black sheep, have a little lamb
Claire (singing): Baa baa, black sheep
Claire (singing): Baa baa, baa baa, black sheep, have a little lamb
Claire (singing): Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full
Claire: The end.

Claire (singing very slowly): ABCDEFG, HIK, LMNOP, QRS, TLV, double-wah X, Y and Z, know my, know my, ABCs, next time won't you sing with me
Claire (singing very slowly): ABCDEFG, HIK, LMNOP, QRS, TLV, double-wah X, Y and Z, know my, know my, ABCs, next time won't you sing with me
Claire (singing very slowly): ABCDEFG, HIK, LM, NO, P, QRS, TLV, double-wah X, Y and Z, know my, know my ABCs, next time won't you sing with me
Claire (singing very slowly): ABCDEFG, HIK, LMNOP, QRS, TLV, double-wah X, Y and Z, know my know my ABCs, next time won't you sing with me
Claire: N, O, yay!
Claire (singing slowly): ABCDEFG, HIK, LMNOP, QRS, TLV, double-wah X, Y and Z
Claire (singing slowly): ABC --
Claire (singing faster now): ABCDEFG, HIK, ABCDEFG, HIK, LMNOP, QRS, TLV, double-wah X, Y and Z, know my, know my ABCs, next time won't you sing with me
Claire (singing): Eh beh beh beh eh F G, HIK, LMNOP, QRS, TLV, double-wah X, Y and Z, know my know my ABCs, next time won't you sing with me
Claire: Yay.
Claire: I'm tired, singing ABCs.


Alex: My tummy hurts.
Claire: My tummy hurts too. You need to eat all your food so it doesn’t hurt, Alex.
Alex: No! My tummy hurts 'cause I'm eating too much food!

Alex: I couldn't do my bathroom stuff because Claire was crying. But I could, because -- because I did.

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