Saturday, February 11, 2012

I wanna stay five! Forever!

Claire: Mommy, why do you know to go to places? Why do you know how to go to places?

Claire: I found it! I found it! It was shoved in a stroller!

Claire: Alex! But dinosaurs don’t be in jungle!
Alex: I’m just pretending, Claire.
Claire: Okay.

Daddy: You know what I love?
Claire: What?
Daddy: My kids.

Claire: You know what I love?
Daddy: What?
Claire: My family.

Alex: I wanna stay five! Forever!

(Daddy’s watching a basketball game on his computer.)
Claire: What’s that sound?
Daddy: That’s the players’ sneakers, they squeak on the floor.
Claire: But why can we hear it? They’re all the way in the TV, why can we hear it?

(It’s snowing.)

Alex: Wow! It’s getting windier and windier!

Alex: Hey Claire! Guess what! Some of the snowflakes are blowing away, that’s what it does on the computer. And I can really see that for real.

Claire: Oh! It’s snow on the deck!

Claire: It’s on top of the play set!

Alex: Hey! This part is almost covered up! Then we would say, “Where’s our backyard?”

Alex: It’s a real snowstorm here.

Claire: I need my boots, so I can go out in the snowstorm.

Alex: It’s okay for making snow angels on the deck, but it isn’t good for making a snowman.

Claire: Look at Grommie! He has snow on him!

(Claire and Alex are playing in the snow.)

Claire: Did you eat it? You can’t eat snow.
Alex: Yeah you can.
Claire: No, you can’t. You can’t eat the yellow snow.

Alex: Let’s have a snowball fight.

(Claire and Alex come back inside.)

Claire: Daddy, can you cut my hands up? They’re too cold, I want some new ones.

(Alex’s pants are all wet.)
Alex: Because everybody threw snowballs on me.

Alex: Mommy it was good that I had those messy pants. I’ll tell you why: I was having fun!

Claire: You only can eat the um, white snowballs, not the yellow ones.
Mommy: Yeah, how do you know that?
Claire: Because, I heared somebody tell me at school.

Alex: I wish there was another snow. I wanna have another snowball fight. That was fun.

(Alex and Claire are playing.)
Alex (to Claire): I thought you were laundry!
Claire: I wasn’t laundry!

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